On November 12th, 2023, I got a phone call that no one ever wants to get. My mom called to tell me that my dad had died peacefully in his sleep. We were and are in shock. Heartbreak doesn’t cover it.  Married 60 years and one of the most dynamic and amazing people you could know, we are heartbroken. We quickly went up to be with my mom. We have been helping her get her life together since then and looking over what this amazing person has meant to us ❤️

As I have been reflecting on my life with my dad, I wanted to share some amazing truths my dad taught me over the years that have helped me in my life and business I would love to share them with you ❤️ Here we go:

Traveling the world and if by train, makes you a better person

Treat people with kindness

Listen well, look people in the eyes

There is never a NO in sales

Save your money

Family comes first

Research and learn about what you love (read)

Find out what is important to YOU and do that

Optimism goes a long way

Never look back, always look forward

Laughter is healing

Loyalty matters

I am beyond lucky to have had a person in my life that believed in me, loved me and helped me grow my business. He is in my heart and mind moment by moment. Cherish your family this holiday season. Take that trip, see that movie and enjoy that time.

It goes way too quickly.